Vale - Rhonda Story (1951-2021)

05 February 2021

Vale - Rhonda Story (1951-2021)

It has been one of the greatest joys of my working career to have worked alongside Rhonda Story for over 20 years. Rhonda was a culture shaper, a visionary, a leader, a mentor, a colleague, a friend, a co-conspirator, a running mate and my sister in Christ.

I first met Rhonda as a new graduate teacher in 1999 - and I must admit I was a tiny bit scared of her. 

She was a force to be reckoned with - intelligent, articulate, persuasive and strong-minded. Very patiently she allowed me to challenge her ideas and question her thinking, though I nearly always left thinking her ideas were better.

Rhonda was the first secondary school teacher ever appointed at Illawarra Christian School and she commenced in that role in 1987.

As the first secondary teacher, she was responsible for establishing the curriculum, the standards and the Christian character that would be foundational to the nature of the school as it grew. Rhonda delighted in telling the amusing story of her appointment to that position. Although initially involved in the process of interviewing potential candidates herself, the tables quickly turned on Rhonda when the Board started interviewing her before she even completely realised what was going on. Potential candidate after potential candidate had made the Board question if the Superman they were looking for existed - and indeed, if it was even possible to make this new venture into secondary school work at all. Rhonda had some ideas (as Rhonda was prone to), and the Board members quickly realised they didn't need Superman when they already had Wonder Woman sitting in the room!

In her first year, Rhonda taught core subjects to Year 7 but she also taught Kindergarten once a week so that the Kindergarten teacher - Mrs Marilyn Hick - could teach Year 7 Music.

For over 30 years, Rhonda served Illawarra Christian School in a variety of different capacities: as class teacher (teaching English, French, History, Biblical Studies and Special Education), and as Secondary Coordinator for many years prior to her appointment as Deputy Principal in 2008. Rhonda retired at the end of 2019 – though she had planned to stay connected with ICS and had even agreed to come back and supervise the HSC for us.

Rhonda’s students over the years have always said she ran a tight ship, had high expectations and that she was a pretty good teacher. I remember as a young teacher listening in from my desk in the staffroom to Rhonda teaching Year 7 English in the next room and wishing I had had her as a teacher when I was at school.

Rhonda was always firm in her convictions and in disciplining students, but she was also always ready to consider their specific circumstances. Despite her tough exterior, Rhonda showed considerable grace, maintained her cool and was prayerful for those in her care. She had a knack of being able to get students to tell the truth and admit to things in seconds! Truth and honesty were qualities she valued highly, both in herself and others. Rhonda always had the best interest of her students at heart – even if that meant being unpopular or having to make hard decisions. She valued each student, no matter their ability, and delighted to see their growth and maturing.

Rhonda and I worked as secondary coordinators together for five years and then she served as my Deputy Principal for 10 years. I would have to say that during this time I learnt many things from her. I always enjoyed our conversations - the opportunity to plan, conspire and strategise for the future - and our Friday afternoons as we walked the school and tried to work out how we could possibly find space to put another class or expand the playground to accommodate our growing student and staff numbers.

Rhonda didn’t believe in tape measures! She had a unique measuring style, which she was convinced was a standard measurement. Facing the wall, she would press herself up against the wall of the classroom, stretch out her arm and repeat the action down the wall of the room. For several years Rhonda and I had recorded measurements of every room in the school that read something like "8½ Rhondas by 6½ Rhondas"!

Rhonda was a creative and courageous thinker. She was clear about what she thought and believed and expressed her views clearly and strongly. You always knew when Rhonda had a creative idea coming on - she would lift her chin slightly, gently purse her lips and wiggle her nose like the character Samantha in the 1960s TV show Bewitched. Until I met Rhonda, I was convinced that it was not possible to do that except by trick photography!

It wasn’t uncommon for us both to have similar ideas or to meet halfway between our offices having come to the same solution to an issue or problem we had been trying to solve earlier in the day. I used to joke that I was worried about what was becoming of me because as a reasonably young man I was starting to think like a middle-aged woman. When I spent time with Rhonda just a few weeks ago she informed me she used to take great pride in that idea, and that I wasn’t thinking like a middle-aged woman - she was thinking like a young man in his prime! We both agreed Rhonda must be right! Who was I to argue with Rhonda on that?

Rhonda had a deep and abiding love for the Lord. She was passionate about the Scriptures - learning, understanding, teaching and living them. She taught her students from an overtly biblical worldview, unpacking what that meant in terms of belief and how we live. Her biblical knowledge and wisdom inspired, taught and encouraged staff who often sought out her counsel.

Rhonda was wise, intelligent, knowledgeable, gracious, hardworking and servant-hearted. She was not a complainer - she always looked to find the best in people and managed to see a good purpose or outcome even in the most frustrating circumstances. In all her dealings at ICS – from teacher to Deputy Principal – her Christian character was evident. As a leader in the school, her transparency and consideration for the staff was truly valued. She could be trusted always to give wise counsel, to think carefully before she spoke or acted, and to treat the staff kindly and fairly. Her maturity, graciousness and humility were invaluable to other leaders in the school, to staff and students, and to the broader school community.

Rhonda followed the example of Christ. She led by example, never asking anyone to do anything that she wouldn’t do or hadn’t already done herself. She was practically minded and willing to get her hands dirty to make things happen – she had unblocked toilets with her trusty plunger and pink washing up gloves, helped unblock drains during flooding rains and painted classrooms and staffrooms - and always with a smile. In each of the four offices Rhonda used during her time as deputy she painted a feature wall – nearly always a shade of purple. The only problem was - she painted around the furniture. When she moved offices you could clearly see where the bookcase or filing cabinet had been!

As a community, Illawarra Christian School is very thankful for Rhonda Story. At the start of 2020 at a school assembly we farewelled and thanked Rhonda and I told our school community that "... we stand on the shoulders of giants and Rhonda is one such giant." ICS has much to thank her for and continues to be a living legacy to her commitment to Christian education and her servant leadership.

Rhonda was truly my running-mate as Principal and I certainly could not have done the job without her. As a leader and teacher I have been thoroughly shaped by her and I personally am very thankful for her friendship, counsel and partnership in Christian education and in leadership.

We will miss Rhonda very deeply, but it is a joy and a comfort to know she is with her Saviour, Lord and King. We thank God for her and look forward to the day when we will be reunited in his presence for eternity.